Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2009 Beach Videos

A little explanation about these long videos and the abundance of them...

I recently purchased a program that allows me to put all of the videos I take with Benson on my camera onto a dvd and watch them as a rolling "home video" on the television! I think this will be such a fun thing to watch in the years to come-- and the format of just letting it play (versus clicking on different computer clips) is nice!
I did discover, that blogger's little 1 minute limit videos just weren't cutting it when we're watching it on the tv-- It's just too quick to go from video to video..
I'm starting to take longer videos, but blogger doesn't allow me to upload anything over a minute-- So I've uploaded the videos to YouTube and linked to them below.

While I like the option of watching the videos on the TV, we have great fun going back and looking at past videos on the blog as well.. so I'm documenting those here..

If you're really looking to burn some time.. hit play below :)

Most boring, yet still cute, blog post ever!
This is seriously how he falls asleep-- squeezing his eyes tightly until he's out-- he does this for naps, nighttime-- obviously in the car-- Crazy kid! :)

Oreos on the Beach

Benson Playing in the Tide Pools with Nana and Papa

Benson Discussing Sailboats and their Proclivity for Falling Over

Benson and Daddy Running Through the Tide Pools

Benson Reading Aunt Ash's Book on the Beach-- and finding "o's" ... one of is FAVORITE pastimes lately...

The First Annual 2009 Cart Wheel Competition on the Beach

Benjamin's Front Handspring

"The Wheels on the Bus"

A not-so-enthusiastic rendition of a classic.. with random commentary about boat motors by the guys in the background

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