With their three daughters birthdays all in May,
Thomas and Susie get to celebrate birthdays in one fell swoop!
This year, with Hannah turning four and Addie Grace turning three, and a brand new baby (three weeks old) on their hip, there was a lot to celebrate :)

This right here, is why I'm thankful that even though I don't have daughters, I have nieces :)

I'm sure they are glad to have boy cousins though,
'cause sometimes you need a guys help opening your presents :)

We're going to be celebrating this little Gibbs girl's first birthday before we know it!
My how time is flying! :)

I loved the expressions on their faces when they got their big girl bikes :)

And they had picked out these *special* helmets themselves :)

What a sweet, PINK filled family of precious little girls :)

such a fun day:) you captured some great pics!