Monday, January 31, 2011

A picture story of my little sisters engagement...


Congratulations, Lash and Chris!!  We love you!!!

(I really wish we had a picture of me in my all black with my incognito baseball cap, sitting in carrabas trying not to be seen :)  )  It was so special to get to be there for the moment. 


  1. this is so fun! :) thanks for sharing! And you girls look like TWINS in your sister shot!!!

  2. I was waiting for this post...the pictures are amazing! So happy for Ashley and Chris. And you guys look like identical twins in that one picture- woah. Congratulations to everyone!

  3. Its so wonderful for Lash to have such a wonderful incognito sister! You made it so special for her! I love you all so very much. Weddin stuff here we come again!!!!

