Monday, April 21, 2008

there is way too much fun stuff to do, why take a nap?!

It was so pretty outside today and since Mr. Tom and Mrs. Lula gave me my mothers day present early (a gi-normous umbrella for our back porch! how perfect!!), Benson and I got to enjoy sitting on the porch out of the sunshine!

He must have really enjoyed it, because he refused to take a nap all afternoon after being outside. Instead, he has been motoring around here at full speed, chasing after Peaches and pulling up on everything. I caught this video of him standing up all by himself, without even holding onto anything! Whoa! I couldn't believe it!

And here he is going a mile a minute around the living room...

1 comment:

  1. I really love the babbling and all that crawling! Is he almost a year? seriously???? can't wait to see him SOON!
