But we still don't have an official name. We're getting closer and narrowing the pool, we talk about it all the time and "try on" different names often. But we're still not 100% sold on any particular one. Naming a person is kind of a big deal!
We had a doctor's appointment today, so Benjamin and I got up and got ready and headed out the door, leaving GG here to stay with Benson.
She's been here for three days and I'm not sure she's sat down one time in those three days.
The woman is a machine!!
She's been nesting for me, since I can't exactly do it. She's been cleaning and organizing and getting every thing in order for us.
Benson's been shooting basketball on his little goal and riding his big wheel IN THE GARAGE, which if you'd have had the opportunity to see the disaster area before she got her hands on it, you would be utterly amazed. We are, for sure!!
In her whirling around here each morning, she's been whipping up some amazing breakfasts for us.
Breakfast has always been one of her specialties!
When we walked in from the doctors office this morning, we found this:

KING TUT, sitting in MY spot, where I've eaten every meal for the past three weeks.

He was thinking he was something special, enjoying a deluxe breakfast put together just for him and served in bed, by his GG.

And who are you to judge?

You'd do it too, if you had a GG like his. :)

Thanks so much, for all you did for us, Mama! We are so grateful!!
As a funny aside:
I was having contractions every ten minutes for about three hours straight yesterday, and my mom came and put her face close to my belly and said "George! It is NOT time for you to come out yet! I know you're ready to play with me, but you must wait just a little longer!"
Well, right as she said it, he let out a huge KICK and it bopped her right in the nose.We both looked at each other and died laughing!! I wish I had it on video! It was priceless!

That's three weeks farther than when we started this whole hoopla!! We're so thankful that "George" is staying put! We got a good report from the doctor today. Still no dilation! Praise the Lord! I'm still having a ton of contractions (we actually spent Monday in the hospital again due to an increase in activity - makes me sound like a volcano or something) but as long as we aren't dilating, we're excited!

I'm still spending my days in the bed which sounds pretty great until you CAN'T GET OUT.
To do anything.
I had a realization this week that I've never (for either of my babies) washed my newborn's clothes and tucked them away into his little dresser in preparation for his arrival. Someone else has had to do that for me. And while I'm so thankful for the many willing hands and hearts that have pitched in for us, it still makes me kinda sad that I can't be the one to get everything all in order for the arrival of our new baby. It's hard to have that "nesting" instinct kick in and not be able to act on it!
The goal is a healthy baby. Not who washes his first clothes. I know that. But there's just a little twinge of sadness there. But the Lord is Good. His ways are higher than our ways and His plans are perfect. Even when they don't match up with the ones I have in my head :)
We're looking so forward to meeting this little guy and having a snuggly newborn again.
And when THAT happens, I can resume laundry duty.
I never thought I'd see the day that that sounded GOOD! :)

We're praising the Lord for how he continues to carefully knit this little one together in my womb and how he's blessed us abundantly and in so many ways over the past few weeks!! And it's so exciting to know that the Lord has already established this little babes Birth day! Everything is in His hands!
Psalm 139:13-16
"For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them."